I was in Soho boozer Barcode last night, and I happened to overhear the conversation of the two guys standing next to me who cleary just met that night. This is how it went (more or less):
Guy #1 : I like you ...
Guy #2: Yeah , I like you too.
Guy #1: Just promise me one thing ?
Guy #2: Whats that ...
Guy #1: Promise me that when I get to know you more that you don't turn out to be camp
Guy #2: I'm not camp am I
Guy #1: No, just don't be camp ...
At this point they started kissing. I must point out that Guy #1 had a shaved head, was in his late 20s, a bit beefy and muscular, with what he thought was a butch demeanor. Guy #2 was no more than 21 years old, much skinnier, baby face, with a much more natural sense about him. I was really disturbed by this conversation. The 21 year old guy is clearly not the butchest person you'll come across, and he had a vulnerability about him. I wondered how he will react to the 'don't be camp' comment, and I was fairly annoyed that he played into Guy #1's internalized homophobia. I get really annoyed with the terms 'straight acting' and the negative connotations some gay guys have with 'camp' people. I wonder how these sorts of comments affect young guys just coming out and coming to terms with who they are and wanting to be accepted. Its a shame really that its older gay guys who should know better that make it tougher for them to accept themselves.
I really wanted to go up to Guy #2 and tell him 'be as camp as you want girl, you know you got it in you and he's not worth it.' ....