
This is interesting, the city I grew up in (Mississauga) is getting a very 'sexy' new tower built, the Absolute Tower. Its a very interesting design, thats all I have to say about it for now.
Welcome to the world of Ramification. Here, you will see my inner most thoughts about many topics dear to my hear (usually music, film and MEN!). Hope you enjoy and I would appreciate your feeback on any of my posts.
This month has been much better for music following a truly dreary February. A lot of good records out and the monthly track listing is expanded from a top 5 to a top 10 as a result.
The fabulous Neil as 'Tina Comedown'
Ok, so the other night I run into an acquaintance who is friends with the guy who stole from me last weekend. This acquaintance (lets call him Sucker for now) just became friends with TheifBoy for less than a month and it is clear that he is very infatuated with him. This is how the conversation goes:
This is the scariest picture I've ever seen in my life, I mean honestly what has happened to Sharon Stone, and why all the hair. I saw her on Parkinson the other week and not only was she completely dull but she kept interrupting the very witty Stephen Fry with some inane stories and observations. I loved that after a while Fry just started speaking over her like she wasn't even sitting next to him. Well done.
I found this link on another blog and found it funny, best 100 por*n* titles of 2005 ( i don't want to get all those Google hits, hence me typing in por*n*) ...
This was such a fun quiz, my score is probably higher than it should because of the weekend.
You Are 48% Evil |
![]() You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. |
Ok, what the hell has happened to the O.C., I used to love this show so much, but last night's episode just showed me how awful this thing has become. The main plot point centered around charity bar-mitzvah for Ryan in order to raise cash for Johnny's (aka, cheapo Ryan) surgery. Huh ? Ok, the scenes of Seth's own barmitzvah were appropriately hilarious but come on. So far this season we've had so many dumb plotlines and stories that fail to make any sense. Sadly, this show has become something of a car crash, the worse it gets the more I'm compelled to watch.
Ok, I had a pretty terrible thing happen to me over the weekend, some guy I went on a date with ened up stealing some money from my wallett, not a lot but still it felt horrible. I am not going to go into all the details but needless to say I wasn't feeling that great on Sunday after it happened. Its thrown me for a loop and dented my confidence in people and my hope that one day I will meet someone who wants me for me. I say dented not shattered because I will get over this and soon. Some people are just scum, plain and simple, I have come to accept that.
Have you had one of those weeks where you wake up and realize 'Oh shit, its already Thursday' , this has been one of those weeks. I have been really busy lately but I feel like I've got nothing to show for it, even though thats not really true. Its just part of my genetic make-up, I am always surprised whenever I acheive something. For example, I have gotten about 4 reports out this week alone for various reasons and created a new template that will cut down my workload significantly at month end, but it just doesn't feel like I've done enough, oh well. Time to go hit the pub, the day is OVER.
After a fairly lengthy hiatus, my best friend Ben Addict's blog is back online, he is the one who inspired me to start my own. In my opinion he is a far superior writer, but I am the pretty one, so it balances out.
Oh, I am getting really excited about this, here is a shameless plug for what is bound to be the craziest, wildest, funnest night of the year, Horsemeat Disco's Vogue Ball on 26 March. The last one held in November was the maddest night of the year; some pics here.
I like to think of myself as an environmentally concious person. I turn off the tap when I'm brushing my teeth; I turn off lights when I leave a room, I used to recycle but Hammersmith Council still haven't sent me my recycling bags even though I've called them about a hundred times. I also take public transportation even though at the moment I have access to a company car. I like taking the train, I really do, all the stress associated with driving is gone and if I'm feeling particulary self-congratulatory I will think to myself 'well at least I'm helping with the environment.' I feel at ease when I walk into a train station, especially one that I use day in and day out.
This is from an email I got from a good friend of mine:
Honestly, these people need to get a life, how could you boycott a film that has not yet been finished based on how you think an actor will pull off the part. Poor Daniel Craig, he's too damned cute to be treated this way.
Things have been very hectic in ramification land so blogging duties have been severly lacking. A few bits and peices from around :
How dull is it to type in that life is going ok and nothing seems to be bothering me much these days. Ok, work is a bit stressful and my monetary situation can be a bit better, but all in all, life is cool so no need to complain. Actually if I have one gripe its that the Oscars are being telecast on Sky Movies this year and I don't have Sky and its too late to subscribe. My efforts to find a bar somewhere in town that is doing an Oscar party have so far been futile. They used to show it on BBC1 and last year they switched over to Sky (I did see them because I was at a friends house, but I dont really go over to his place anymore). If I do manage to miss it, it will be the first ceremony that I haven't seen from beginning to end since 1988 (The year The Last Emperor won big).